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In the morning. O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.’ Psalm 5: 3
Richard and his cousin Steve were out in the mountains of Scotland with their two sons. Because it was only going to be a short climb, they were not wearing suitable clothing, had no food or a drink between them. They had not looked at the forecast. They reached their destination and then turned for the return journey. That was when suddenly they noticed a mist swirling behind them. As the mist enveloped them, they completely lost their bearings and were not sure which way they should proceed.
Because they didn't want to alarm the boys, the cousins kept their fears to themselves. Then to their shame, it was Zach who had more sense and said, 'Dad, I think we're lost. Can we pray about it?' Up there on the mountain, with the mist all around and the temperature dropping rapidly the four of them prayed. On opening their eyes they noticed a man walking towards them.
'You lost then? he enquired. 'Follow me.' The man led them in just a couple of minutes to a fence.
'If you follow this fence all the way down it will lead you to the road. There you will be safe.' As all four of them followed the fence down to safety they concluded that they had probably met with an angel. They had cried out to God and He had heard their cry. God is always ready to listen, whatever the circumstances. We just need to cry out.